2019 Year In Review - Facebook

2019 was a busy year for Your Social Gathering. We took on our FIRST intern, added TWO incredibly talented graphic designers to our network, and took on TWELVE new clients! But, we weren't the only ones busy, our clients were, too. Let's take a look at their successes, specifically on Facebook.


Collectively, our clients gained 6,745 new page likes, received 315,900 engagements and reached 5,915,991 people. There's no doubt about it, these numbers are impressive. But, you might be wondering why they matter and that's exactly what we’re going to explain for you.

Page Likes

Page likes are commonly viewed as a measure of success. Often, this number is thought to be the most important. While we agree that it is important and certainly plays a role in the overall success of a page, it is not the single most valuable statistic. Sure, when someone likes a Facebook page, they’re voluntarily “agreeing” to see that page’s content. But, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll see it, especially if they stop engaging with the content, or engage with it less often. This will also happen when they stop searching for the page. Try this - Think of a business or brand that you have liked on Facebook and don’t see content from too often. Now, search for them and engage with a post or two. Watch what happens next. We guarantee that you'll start seeing their content more frequently in your News Feed and that leads us to our next point.

Post Engagements

Ahhh, engagement. Spoiler Alert: This is easily our favorite statistic. Have you heard the saying “Content is King?” It’s the truth, quality content leads to one important thing. ENGAGEMENT! Engagement comes in a variety of different forms including:

  • Liking or reacting to a post

  • Commenting on or sharing a post

  • Clicking on a photo or through an album

  • Watching a video

  • Responding to an event

  • Clicking on a link

  • Saving a post

Engagement helps us to understand what is working and what isn’t. In a world full of distractions, people are quick to scroll through their News Feed so it is our job to create that content that makes them stop and engage, we like to call this “scroll stopping content.” The more engagement a post gets, the larger the reach will be. Have you ever seen content from a page you don’t follow because of a friend? We’re sure you have. For example, your friend clicks “Interested” on a Facebook event of a page you don’t follow. Now, that content is in your News Feed. Chances are, you’re probably clicking on the event (hello, engagement) to see what it’s all about, maybe giving the page a like to stay in the know of future events or responding “Interested” as well. This example leads us so nicely into our next statistic.

Post Reach

Post engagement and reach go hand-in-hand. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. The more engagement a post gets, the larger the reach. An instance in which this might not be the case is when there is money put behind a post, in the form of an ad or boost. By money being put behind a post, the reach will be there because the content is being pushed out according to advertising objectives, audience specifics, and ad placements. We choose to focus on reach over impressions because we find it more valuable to know how many different people have seen our content. Impressions focus on how many times the content was seen, regardless of it being the same person, one, two, or ten times. You want as many eyes as possible to be on your content, this is how you grow, whether that be by a page like so people can stay in the know, the purchase of your product or getting someone in the door of your business.

Pratt Street Ale House had the largest reach of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from posts dating *January 1st - December 31st.

Pratt Street Ale House had the largest reach of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from posts dating *January 1st - December 31st.

Donnelly’s Dockside had the largest post engagements of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from posts dating *January 1st - December 31st.

Donnelly’s Dockside had the largest post engagements of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from posts dating *January 1st - December 31st.

Crooked Crab Brewing Company had the most page likes gained of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from likes dating *November 4th - December 31st.

Crooked Crab Brewing Company had the most page likes gained of our clients in 2019. This number was determined from likes dating *November 4th - December 31st.