Get To Know Caitlin 'CC' Carroll - Spring 2020 Intern

From her coffee hacks to her love of the outdoors, our Spring 2020 Intern, Caitlin ‘CC’ Carroll answers some questions to get to know her better.

How’d you get to where you are now?

I Graduated from Elizabethtown College where I studied Psych and Communications. Contrary to popular belief it’s not the same as Elizabethtown the movie and it’s not an all-girls’ school in New Jersey, haha! It’s a small private school in PA, close to Hershey.

Is what you’re doing now what you thought you’d be doing when you were a kid?

As a kid, I wanted to be a vet, a teacher, an astronaut, and at one point even a professional figure skater!  As you can see, I’ve always been a bit of an overachiever.

What was your first job?

Gold’s Gym Daycare. I’ve always loved to exercise, so they had me when I found out about the complimentary membership.

If you could work with any major brand, who would it be?

I’m more of a small business person, I like that you can connect with people.  But, if I had to choose, it would be Subaru - I love my Crosstrek!

Where is your favorite place to work? 

Coffee shops all the way. I’m always trying out different coffee shops and in college, I basically lived in one! In Baltimore, I love OneDo Coffee Roasters and Pitango Bakery.
When you’re not working, how do you spend your time?

Exploring new trails with my 4 legged adventure buddy - Chester the Sheltie, playing chef with new recipes, working on my headstand, and trying to reach Nirvana Meditating.

Which social platform is your favorite?

Instagram all the way! I’m visual so I love the photos and it’s an easy way to connect with people.

Which Instagram filter is your favorite?

Starry Night.

Which emoji do you use most?

Where is your happy place?

Cape May.
Which song makes you unconditionally happy?

Don’t Worry, Be Happy.
How do you like your coffee?

I’m a latte snob: Peppermint Mocha, all the way! Skim milk and kids temp, please!  (If you don’t know about kids temp let me enlighten you.  It’s a real term at Starbucks, and when you order a kid’s temp drink it feels just a little warmer than room temperature).
Where is your favorite spot in Baltimore?

Indoors: M.Power Yoga Studio and OneDo Coffee Roasters.

Outdoors: Double Rock Park and Loch Raven Reservoir.

What is your biggest accomplishment?

Well, this is hard to narrow it down to one! I have a few that I’m proud of including:

  • Becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor and actually teaching yoga

  • Accomplishing my goals of working for Sheppard Pratt Health System and Johns Hopkins 

  • Living in Australia for 4 months

What’s next?

I’m at a crossroads and dipping my toe in the marketing pool. I feel a natural pull towards the field since I love being creative, and am fascinated by the world of business. I’m a natural extrovert, what can you say?